Our latest vault offerings can be found here:

The FAQ below is outdated, and pending updates to our current products.

Trading/Listing, Supply Cap

1. What is ACS and what is ACSI? What are their core products?

  • ACS is the native token of ACryptoS (connected with all the Vaults farming on PCS, Venus, Channels, MDEX, Unifi, Atlantis & DSG), while ACSI is the native token of the StableSwap & Acsi.Finance.

    • The core product of ACS is yield farming optimizers for multiple types of tokens.

    • The core products of ACSI are the StableSwap (Stablecoin DEX) & Acsi.Finance (AMM).

2. Where is ACryptoS listed, where are ACS and ACSI traded?

ACryptoS is currently listed on:

ACS is traded on:

ACS V1 is traded on:

ACSI is traded on:

3. What is the maximum supply cap?

  • The maximum supply cap for ACS is 1,888,888.

  • The maximum supply cap for ACSI is 1,888,888.

4. Is there a buy-back program?

  • Yes. The system is designed to constantly buy-back ACS (using the withdrawal fee + the performance fee), and then those ACS are distributed to the acsACS holders.

    There are also constant buybacks for ACSI (using 50% of the swap fee from the StableSwap and 50% of the swap fees from Acsi.Finance), and then those ACSI are distributed to the acsACSI holders.

    You can read more here.

5. How many tokens are minted per day?

  • At start, there was a constant daily emission rate of ~3746 ACS tokens:

    ~2560 ACS to the farms

    +33.33% to the ACS Vault (~853)

    +10% reward to the dev team (~256)

    +3% to the treasury (~77)

    The genesis mining is ~8888 ACS.

  • After the first ACS emission cut (15 Feb 2021), the ACS emission was reduced by 18.65%.

  • After the second ACS emission cut (15 May 2021), the ACS emission was reduced by additional 18.65%.

  • After the first ACSI emission cut (17 June 2021), the ACSI emission was reduced by ~32%, to match ACS' emissions.

6. Are the tokenomic models of ACS and ACSI sustainable?

  • For ACS: the performance and withdrawal fees gained from providing the yield farming services to users are used to buy-back ACS from the market and then those ACS are redistributed to the ACS Vault Stakers. This ensures a sustainable future of ACS.

  • For ACSI: 50% of the fees gained from the StableSwap and 50% of the fees gained from Acsi.Finance are used to buy-back ACSI from the market and then those ACSI are redistributed to the ACSI Vault Stakers. This ensures a sustainable future of ACSI.

7. What is the vision of ACS and ACSI?

  • The vision of ACS is to be a long-term and sustainable yield optimizer on BSC, with a focus on safety.

  • The vision of ACSI is to be the next-gen AMM on BSC, with new features to slash gas costs, super-charge capital efficiency, unlock arbitrage with zero-token starting capital, and open the door to custom AMMs.


1. Are the contracts behind a timelock?

  • Yes, all contracts are behind a timelock. For more details, please refer to Security & Risks.

2. Are the contracts verified?

3. Is the project audited?

Yes. The project has been audited. Refer to here for the list of Audits


1. Is there a Deposit fee?

  • No.

2. Is there a Stake fee?

  • No.

3. What are the fees?

  • There is a 0.1% withdrawal fee. This fee is applied on all vaults (except the ACS Vault and the ACSI Vault).

  • For the ACS Vault and the ACSI Vault, the withdrawal fee is 10% (applied only on the amount you withdraw).

    Example: If you have 1000 ACS in the ACS Vault, and you decide to withdraw 100 ACS, the fee will be 10 ACS.

  • The performance fee and the workers fee are already included in the APY.

4. What are the harvest fees on the farms?

  • The harvest fee is 0.03 ACS on the ACS farms, and 0.06 ACSI on the ACSI farms.

    The harvest button appears after your Pending amount is more than 0.03 ACS (or more than 0.06 ACSI).

5. Which fees are visible and which are already included in the APR?

  • The vault’s performance fee and workers fee are already included in the APY you see, so no need to do any math on that.

  • You only need to be careful with the farms’ harvest fee (0.03 ACS , 0.06 ACSI), the vaults' withdrawal fee (0.1%), and the withdrawal fee on the ACS Vault & ACSI Vault (10%).

6. What are the fees on the StableSwap?

7. What are the fees on Acsi.Finance?

  • There are different pools on Acsi.Finance (up to 8 tokens in a pool), and there are different fees attached to every pool.

    You can check the fees with clicking on each pool.

Technical and UI

1. What is the difference between Deposit (Vault) and Stake (Farm)?

  • When you Deposit tokens to a Vault, the deposited tokens start to auto-compound right away.

  • When you Stake those same tokens, you start earning ACS.

2. Is my ACS auto-compounding?

  • Yes, ACS auto-compounds in the ACS Vault.

    If you have Pending ACS in one of the other Vaults&Farms, you first need to harvest those ACS and transfer them to the ACS Vault.

3. Is my ACSI auto-compounding?

  • Yes, ACSI auto-compounds in the ACSI Vault.

    If you have Pending ACSI in one of the other Vaults&Farms, you first need to harvest those ACSI and transfer them to the ACSI Vault.

4. How the auto-compounding works (and what is the Workers tab)?

  • Currently there is a bot that automatically harvests (compounds) each Vault.

  • There is also the Workers tab, where anyone can manually harvest each Vault (and get the associated fee).

    The Workers tab is just a backup, the normal user does not have to use it.

5. When does the ACS buy-back happen?

  • The ACS buy-back happens when the bot harvests the ACS Vault.

    When this happens, all the tokens gained from performance and withdrawal fees are first transferred to BNB, and then to ACS.

    Then the ACS is distributed to the ACS Vault stakers (acsACS holders).

  • The same method is used for the ACSI buyback.

6. How does the Venus & Channels strategies work?

  • By supplying an asset and borrowing the same asset to resupply with.

    Example: Supply BNB, borrow BNB, supply more BNB, borrow more BNB, and repeat.

    With this method we are earning both supply and borrow rewards, with minimal liquidation risk as we are using a single asset.

7. Why does the APR on some Vaults show weird numbers?

  • The UI shows the average APR of the last 3 days.

    So if a Vault is new, the numbers could be off.

8. I cannot find the “harvest” or “withdraw” button, where are they?

  • The User interface (UI) is dynamic. The harvest button appears after you have at least 0.03 ACS Pending for harvest.

  • If your assets are Staked, the Withdraw button appears after the Unstake.


  • When you deposit Stable coins to the StableSwap, you receive ACS4_*_ tokens as a receipt/proof of deposit.

    Then you can stake those ACS4_*_ tokens in the ACSI farms to earn ACSI.

10. What is the difference between APR and APY?

  • APR reflects the simple interest rate over a year’s time (APR/365), while APY describes the rate with the effect of compounding.

Governance and Voting

1. Is there a treasury?

  • Yes. A treasury was formed to fund anything that adds value to the protocol, taking up to 3% of ACS & ACSI emissions.

2. What is the main goal of the treasury?

  • The treasury funds will be used to add value/improve the project (marketing/pr/administration/management/audits/etc).

3. Who controls the treasury?

  • The treasury is controlled via governance.

4. Who can vote?

  • ACS held in the ACS Vault and ACSI held in the ACSI Vault are our governance tokens. Voting weight is measured in ACS, using the prevailing ACS-ACSI exchange rate.

5. Where do I vote?

6. Who can create a new vote/proposal?

  • Anyone who holds at least 88 ACS (or the equivalent in ACSI).

7. Which governance platform is used for voting?

Last updated