UI Explanations

The following explains sections of the UI, showing detailed info about each of the vaults.

Vault Header APY

APY displayed on the header is pulled from the last 8th compound of the vault. (see below)

Expanding the "Advanced" section, you can find a table displaying the Historical APY of this vault "180%" can be seen from the 8th row (3rd column) - Cumulative

0.05% refers to the swap fee rate on the underlying pool.

Historical APY

Explanation of the Historical APY:

  • Each line refers to one of the latest rebalancing/compounding

  • For the 8th line, it can be explained as:

    • the compound was 1.05 days ago

    • the APY achieved between 0.96 - 1.05 days ago is 149%

    • the Cumulative (Total) APY achieved between now and 1.05 days ago is 180%

    • the Impermanent Loss (IL) between 0.96 - 1.05 days ago was -24%

    • the Cumulative IL between now and 1.05 days ago is positive 0.64% (gains instead of IL)

What's LP-A? USD-B? That's our categorization of vaults. Learn more here.

Checking your Yields

Click on the Withdraw tab, tap on full withdrawal amount and check the amount of tokens received.

*do not execute the withdrawal transaction

Error Messages

Prices are volatile. Please try again later.

If you see this notice while depositing, please wait for some time before trying again. These are preventative measures for vault safety when prices are volatile.

Last updated