$ACS Token
Uniswap V3 (BSC): Trade / Liquidity Info: US / DS Equilibre (Kava): Trade / Liquidity Info: DS
Bridge ACS: https://app.acryptos.com/acs/bridge/ Migrate ACS: https://app.acryptos.com/acs/migrate/
Multichain.org Incident - July 2023
The Multichain.org bridge stopped working on 7 July 2023 following abnormal movements of locked assets. ~170K of bridged ACS was stuck and under the control of unknown entities. An announcement was made to ask users to remove ACS paired liquidity as a migration plan was being worked on. A governance vote was taken to approve the migration.
A new ACS token is deployed at 0x8888888888f004100C0353d657BE6300587A6CcD across several chains.
The new token was designed with certain features to mitigate bridging risks:
Bridging is achieved by passing cross chain messages. This is using Layer Zero initially, and can be upgraded to use any combination of protocols.
ACryptoS Dev team controls new token contracts including the ability to pause and blacklist in the event of bridge / messaging protocol exploit.
Bridged balances are reconciled on the canonical chain (BSC). Bridging can only be done to/from the canonical chain, and will fail if they cannot be reconciled (i.e. more balance bridged in than has been bridged out).
There is a migration feature which will allow users to migrate 1:1 the old/Multichain.org ACS tokens. Migration will be paused if the contract detects abnormal changes in the locked Multichain.org ACS tokens.
Last updated