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Vault Comparisons

You see some great yields on our dapp: there's Single-Token vaults, and ACLM vaults - but you're not too sure which to pick. What are the risks involved? What tokens do you receive as APY? etc.

This will help you out. 👇

Single-Token VaultsACLM - Stable StrategiesACLM - Volatile Strategies

Built On

lending protocols, eg. Venus, Moonwell

CL DEXs, eg. UniswapV3, SushiV3

CL DEXs, eg. UniswapV3, SushiV3

APY Source

supply/borrow APY + lending platform tokens

swap fees generated from trading volume + *

swap fees generated from trading volume + *

Strategy Features

self-balancing for optimized highest APY

  • single-sided deposits of either token.

  • auto range setting to ensure earning of swap fees

  • Tightened range for highest stable pair APY

  • single-sided deposits of either token.

  • auto range setting to ensure earning of swap fees


  • USDT

  • wstETH

  • BTC

  • LINK



  • wstETH-WETH

  • cbETH-rETH






More detailed comparisons here:

Single-Token VaultsACLM - Stable StrategiesACLM - Volatile Strategies
  • lending protocol exploits

  • no IL risks

  • CL DEX exploits

  • low chances of IL

  • CL DEX exploits

  • high IL risks


  • exposure to 1 token

  • slower growth of tokens

  • high APY vaults less sustainable (as mainly coming from lending platform tokens)

  • exposure to 2 tokens

  • higher APY, for relatively low IL risk

  • rewards sustainable via swap fees

  • exposure to 2 tokens

  • highest APY, but gains easily negated by IL

  • rewards sustainable via swap fees


auto-compounding into deposited tokens

auto-compounding into deposited tokens

auto-compounding into deposited tokens




A category of higher quality stablecoins vaults, built on USDC and its bridged counterparts.


Single-Token Vaults

  • USDC on Venus (BSC)

  • USDC.e on Lodestar (Arbitrum)

  • USDbC on Moonwell (Base)

  • xcUSDC on Moonwell (Moonbeam)

ACLM - Stable Strategies

  • USDC.e / axlUSDC on UniswapV3 (Polygon)

  • USDC.e / USDC on UniswapV3 (Optimism)

  • USDbC / axlUSDC on SushiswapV3 (Base)

Link: https://app.acryptos.com/vaults/?a=usd-a


DeFi risks are very high compared to traditional finance, ranging widely from market factors to contract exploits. Here are some risks for consideration along with possible mitigations. Factor in your own risk appetite when deciding on which vaults to deposit your tokens in.

Only put in funds you can afford to lose. Do not risk your life savings on DeFi.

Protocol smart contract risks

ACryptoS has focused on safety and careful risk assessment since deployment in 2020. Multiple audits and a bug bounty serve to enhance the security. Read our blog here to understand what sets us apart.

Vault underlying protocol risks
  • our Single-Token vaults are built on top of lending protocols. They run the risk where funds are siphoned out via exploiters. We filter out projects via internal due diligence procedures, and try our best to build on safe credible protocols. Unfortunately, a few of these protocols were exploited and funds unrecoverable (read: Atlantis, Channels, Sonne)

  • our ACLM vaults are built on top of V3 Conc Liquidity DEXs. We only build on stronger and battle-tested DEXs like Uniswap, Sushi, and Pancakeswap.

Stablecoin depeg risks
  • many USD stablecoins claim to be pegged to USD 1:1, but many smaller marketcap stablecoins are at a high risk of depegging

  • larger stablecoins like USDC, USDT, DAI, etc have encountered depegging as well

LST/LRT protocol risks
  • liquid staking tokens tend to be quite centralized, where user funds like ETH or BNB are held by their protocol, and staking is done on their back end.

  • Risks involve protocol exploits, intentional draining of funds, or "depegging" of liquid staked tokens . Lack of liquidity might affect the unstaking of liquid tokens back to the native token as well.

  • eg. rETH, wstETH, cbETH, stkBNB, ankrBNB, BNBx etc.

  • DYOR on how credible and transparent the staking protocols are, as well as how large the market of these tokens are

bridged token risks
  • understand the difference between native tokens and bridged tokens. Bridged tokens may involve native bridges and third-party bridges

  • eg. USDC.e is a bridged token while USDC is the native token that is issued directly by Circle

  • eg. multichain bridge was exploited on multiple chains in 2023. Funds that were lost due to that incident has not been recovered since.

wrapped token risks

eg. WBTC depegging risks

Read more about risks and mitigations here.


  • Withdrawal Fees: All vaults have a 0.1% withdrawal fee, calculated by the withdrawal amount.

  • Performance Fees: already factored into the displayed APY. Full details can be found here.

Tips from the Samurai:

Based on the daily yield rate, try to withdraw only after withdrawal fee is covered. It will be all nett profits from thereon.

All fees go to ACryptoS Treasury, used for frequent buybacks of the $ACS token.

Treasury is owned by ACryptoS DAO ($ACS token holders), managed by a multisig.

  • Treasury current holdings can be tracked on debank.

  • More info on Governance here.

Next Steps 🚀

Interested to gain yields via our vaults? Check out this step-by-step visual guide.

Step-by-step Guide

Last updated